

点击次数:   发布时间:2023-10-23 00:20:12

日,柳工联袂越南经销商新源公司(TAN NGUYEN)举办了客户节,40多家来自修建、采石、采矿和门路设置装备摆设等多个行业的客户到场了本次勾当。

Recently, LiuGong and TAN NGUYEN, its new dealer in Vietnam, held a customer day. Over 40 customers from various industries such as construction, quarrying, mining, and road construction participated in the event.


At the event, the onsite customers were attracted by various models of LiuGong excavators displayed, who also joined the test drive session. They highly praised the excellent performance, convenient operation, and stability of the machines.


TAN NGUYEN has cooperated with LiuGong since last year, mainly promoting and selling LiuGong excavators in Vietnam. In the future, LiuGong will strengthen its cooperation with TAN NGUYEN and further improve LiuGong’s brand awareness in Vietnam.

2002年提出“设置装备摆设开放的国际化柳工”至今,柳工已经拥有跨越30家海外子公司 机构,4座海外打造工场,5年夜全世界研发基地,300多家经销商,为170多个国度以及地域提供产物以及办事。于制造具有全世界竞争力的世界一流企业配景下,柳工将连续踊跃设置装备摆设全价值链协同成长的全世界战略互助伙伴瓜葛,坚定推进周全解决方案、周全智能化、周全国际化的“三全”战略。

In 2002, LiuGong put forward the globalization s�ױ�apptrategy. Since then, LiuGong has had over 30 overseas subsidiaries offices, 4 overseas manufacturing plants and 5 R D bases spreading across the world. More than 300 dealers provide LiuGong products and services to the customers in over 170 countries regions. Guided by the reform of building a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness, LiuGong will continue to actively build a synergistic global strategic partnership across the entire value chain by firmly promoting the "Total Globalization, Total Solution and Total Intelligent" strategy.


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